Step #1
Discover the tilo range.
There are many paths that lead to your tilo dream floor. The most important one has already happened: You have found tilo. Now it's time to discover the tilo range. You can find them here on the website, in the tilo catalog or at your retailer.
Floors Catalogues Retailer search
Step #2:
Laying floor virtually
After the first look at the tilo range, you now certainly want to know how the floor looks in your own home. Perfect! Then put your selection at your feet virtually: with the tilo flooring app! Simply download it and try out your favorite floors in the living room, kitchen or front hall.
App and more
Step #3
See floor pattern in real!
We love our flooring app - but no screen can replace a real floor sample. A floor has to be touched and experienced: Order the tilo floor box with your samples to your home or visit one of our dealers in a tilo showroom.
tilo Musterbox Retailer search
Step #4:
Make up your mind!
With lots of inspiration, ideas and impressions, it's now time to make a decision. Which tilo floor convinced you?

Step #5:
Find your dealer
The choice is made? Perfect! Then head to a tilo retailer and order your favorite floor.
Retailer search
Step #6:
Stairs & skirtingboards
Do not forget: Have you also thought about the stairs and matching moldings? At tilo, you'll find matching stairs and decor-matching moldings for every floor. Stairs expand your living space, so even the front room becomes a cozy playground.
Stairs Skirtingboards
Step #7:
Just enjoy!
Celebrate an important milestone with friends - your dream floor! Once the floor has been laid, it's time to invite friends and family over and celebrate in style. And feel free to share your joy with us, for example on instagram.